Experiencing a stubborn or painful foot or ankle issue can be overwhelming. When you need to know more about your condition and treatment options, visit our online podiatric library for free, in-depth articles.
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CancerThere are several different types of cancers of the foot. Learn more here.
Telemedicine VisitsWe offer telemedicine visits for your convenience and safety.
Fall Prevention for Older AdultsFalls in adults over 65 are common. Learn about how our office can help determine your risk and how we help you prevent falls.
Equinus or Tight Calf MusclesEquinus or tight calf muscles can be a major factor in many foot problems such as plantar fasciitis and bunions. Learn about treatment for this condition here.
Flat Feet Symptoms and TreatmentPeople with flat feet often experience painful foot problems. Learn about 5 types of flatfoot and how they're treated.
What Are Dystrophic or Deformed Toenails and How Are They Treated in Seattle?Dystrophic nails are nails that are misshapen or thickened. Fungus is the most common cause of this condition. Learn how they're treated at our Seattle office.
What Are the Causes, Treatment, and Prevention of Achilles Tendonitis?Achilles tendonitis is an overuse injury making athletes more prone to get it. Learn about the causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevent of this condition.
Arizona Balance BraceFalls are common in people over 65. If you're falls are caused by muscle weakness or loss of feeling in your feet, a Moore Balance Brace could be very helpful.
What Is Turf Toe and How Is It Treated?Turf toe typically occurs during sports play such as soccer and basketball. Learn the symptoms and treatment here.
Nerve EntrapmentNerve entrapment in the heel of the foot is often associated with plantar fasciitis and is treated in a similar fashion.
Do You Have Pain in Your Big Toe Joint?Learn about the causes and symptoms of hallux rigidus or big toe pain and now it's treated.
What Is Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome and How Is It Treated?Learn about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of tarsal tunnel syndrome.