Summer’s finally here and you’re ready to take it on! Whether that’s a hike in the mountains or a leisurely trip to the beach, you’ll need the tools to help prevent the most common foot problems. And we’ve got you covered.
Here are 5 common summer foot issues and how to prevent them.
How to Prevent Blisters
Blisters are a big problem in the summer. While they can certainly occur when walking around Greenlake, they most commonly crop up when hiking. That’s because of the increase in moisture, pressure, heat, and friction you encounter when you take on that trail. Fortunately, there’s a lot you can do to prevent blisters from cropping up.
- Buy boots that fit (correct length and width), are stable and supportive, comfortable, and waterproof
- Break in boots that are stiffer and heavier duty.
- Use lacing techniques to prevent your foot from slipping forward in your boots.
- Keep your feet cool and dry by buying socks that wick away moisture and using foot powder.
Learn more about preventing and treating blisters when hiking here!
How to Prevent Athlete's Foot
Athlete’s foot is another common summer condition that thrives due to the hotter environment. It’s a fungal infection of the skin that usually starts between the toes. Fungus loves warm, damp places and your athletic shoes and hiking boots provide just the right breeding ground for it to thrive.
If you have skin on your feet that looks scaly, peels easily, is itchy, and red you likely have athlete’s foot. While you can use over-the-counter medications to treat it sometimes it requires prescription medications to eliminate it.
To prevent athlete’s foot, it’s important to keep your feet cool and dry just as you would for blister prevention. Follow the recommendations under Preventing Blisters above.
In addition, avoid walking barefoot, particularly in public spaces like pools, gym locker rooms, and yoga studios. Preventing athlete’s foot is important for another reason. It can lead to fungal toenails. That’s because it doesn’t just stay in between your toes but can migrate to other parts of the body. Fungal toenails are much harder to treat, so taking care of an athlete’s foot infection early is important.
Learn more about treatment of athlete's foot here.
How to Prevent Fungal Toenails
As I just mentioned, fungal toenails can be difficult to treat so it's important to prevent them in the first place. Here are some essential tips for avoiding toenail fungus:
- Avoid wearing tight, non-breathable shoes. Instead, choose a shoe with a lightweight upper made of mesh or another breathable synthetic material like nylon or polyester.
- Avoid cotton socks. Instead, choose a synthetic material that can wick away moisture
- Keep feet clean and dry. Wash and dry them thoroughly with special attention to in between the toes.
- Wear flip-flops or another shower shoe in locker rooms, public showers, or a pool.
- Prevent damage to toenails by measuring your feet before purchasing shoes and keeping your nails short.
- Avoid nail salons that don't properly clean their equipment or opt for a do-it-yourself pedicure.
Learn about treatment of fungal toenails here!
How to Prevent Heel Pain
Heel pain (plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendonitis) is more likely to flare up when you become more active. Fortunately, there are lots of things you can do to prevent it.
- Buy supportive shoes and boots that fit properly (here’s how to make sure your shoes are supportive!)
- Wear over-the-counter inserts if you have mild heel pain.
- Get custom orthotics if you tend towards moderate to severe heel pain.
- Slowly build up distance while walking or hiking or the length of time you play a new sport like pickleball. This gives your body time to recover.
- Avoid going barefoot.
- Keep your calf muscles stretched by warming up using Dynamic stretches and cooling down with static stretches.
Learn more about preventing plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis here!
How to Prevent Plantar Warts
Plantar warts are more common in the summer because we spend so much time outside and often barefoot. While they can be treated with our newer Swift Immune Therapy or more traditional methods, it's much better to avoid them in the first place. Here’s how.
- Avoid direct contact with warts, whether from others or your own body (warts can spread from one part of the body to another part)
- Do not share foot instruments, such as clippers, with someone with warts,
- unless you sterilize them with alcohol first.
- Change shoes and socks regularly.
- Ensure your feet are clean and dry. Use flip-flops in locker rooms and public showers, and bring your yoga mat to class.
- Wear socks while traveling through airports