As Seattle schools open today, many students are cheering and not just because they'll see their friends. Lacrosse players will finally be able to test their mettle against teams at other schools. Teen aficionados of the game have already been practicing this summer.
Lacrosse is one of the fastest growing games in high schools in Seattle and across the country with more than 170,000 kids participating. So it's important to pay attention to the risks inherent in the game if your kid has joined it's ranks.
A fabulous game lacrosse requires agile players who are fast. It's also very demanding on the feet and ankles. The running and side to side cutting and physicality of the game can put players at risk for a whole host of foot and ankles problems including:
- sprains, strains, and fractures
- overuse injuries
- contusions and lacerations
Sprains, Strains, and Fractures
These common lacrosse injuries are not only caused by the twisting and turning that occurs during play but also from the state of the field. It's important to check the field before play to ensure than the ground surface is even and that there are no divots. Fortunately sprains and strains are minor injuries and can be treated in the field or at home by applying the RICE protocol. Fractures will need to evaluated by a Seattle podiatrist who is equipped to deal with this injury.
Overuse Injuries
Heel pain injuries, Achilles tendonitis, stress fractures, and Sever's disease are all foot conditions that occur through repetitive use of a joint, tendon, bone or ligament. Since lacrosse requires lots of practice on the field, any of these foot problems can occur over time.
Contusions and Lacerations
Since lacrosse is a contact sport contusions and lacerations are common. These occur through direct body contact with other players and also by being hit by the ball or stick. Again, using the RICE protocol as mentioned above may be the first line of action. Follow-up with a podiatrist who can image the area to ensure there are no fractures and can examine the area and treat the wound properly is essential.
To limit the number of youth foot and ankle injuries, stretching and proper shoes are extremely important. Stretching can help in the prevention of Achilles tendonitis and heel pain. Wearing cleats or cross trainers can also help prevent injury.
If your kid has had problems with foot pain in the past, bring them in for a full evaluation before the season begins.
Call us today at 206-368-7000 for an appointment, often same day. You can also request an appointment online.