Person soaking their feet in bucket of waterPumice stones can be a wonderful adjunct to your foot care regimen. When used correctly these stones are an excellent tool for keeping your feet smooth and free of tough, dead skin. They also can keep your corns and calluses in check. However, improper use can cause pain.

Follow these 9 steps when using a pumice stone to get rid of tough skin.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

  • Bucket or tub

  • Pumice stone

  • Moisturizer

  • Bristled brush for cleaning the stone

Step 2: Soak Your Feet in Warm Water

It's important to soak your feet in warm water for 5-10 minutes to soften up the skin before using the stone.

  • Fill up a bucket or tub with water and put in your feet.

  • Wait until your skin is soft. If after 10 minutes the skin still feels rough add a few more minutes to your soak.

  • Add a few drops of essential oil and Epsom salt for a spa-like experience. Epsom salts can help relax your muscles.

Step 3: Wet the Stone

Wetting the stone helps it glide more easily over your skin. Never use a dry pumice stone as it can cause abrasions on your skin.

  • Either run the stone under warm water or let it soak along with your feet in the bucket or tub.

Step 4: Pat Your Skin Dry With A Towel

Step 5: Rub Your Pumice Stone Over Tough Skin

  • Rub the abrasive side of the pumice stone over your skin in a circular motion using light pressure.

  • If the skin is soft it should come off easily.

  • Do this until you remove the dead skin; about 2-3 minutes.

  • Stop if your skin feels sensitive or sore.

Step 6: Rinse and Repeat

Rinse off the dead skin and examine your feet to see if it needs more sloughing. If you still see dead pieces of skin, go over the area again with the pumice stone.

  • Consider turning the pumice stone over to reveal a fresh surface to improve its exfoliation ability.

  • Rinse the stone frequently to keep its surface clean and effective.

Step 7: Dry and Moisturize Your Skin Afterwards

  • Pat your skin dry

  • Use Amerigel moisturizer to replenish your skin.

Step 8: Cleaning Your Pumice Stone

Clean your stone after each use.

  • Wash it using a scrub brush or nail brush while holding under warm water.

  • Add some soap to clean it thoroughly.

  • Allow the stone to completely dry out to prevent bacteria from growing in the pores. Stones with strings can be hung up.

  • Boil your stone in water for 5 minutes to deep clean it. Use tongs to remove it from the water. If you use it every week, consider boiling every other week or once a month.

Step 9: Replace Your Stone When It's Worn Down

When it gets too small to handle, replace your stone.


  • Like all personal hygiene implements, don't share your pumice stone with other people to reduce the chance of infection.

  • People with diabetes should ask their podiatrist before using a pumice stone as diabetic skin can develop wounds.

  • Consider talking with your podiatrist before using your stone to remove corns or calluses even if you don't have diabetes

Dr. Rion Berg
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A podiatrist in North Seattle treating families for over 40 years.
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