As your podiatrist it's part of my job to ensure that you live a long and healthy life. If you're a senior and you have trouble with balance, you're not alone--one out of three adults over 65 sustains a fall each year. While there are many causes for feeling a sense of inbalance and/or dizziness, often the problem is due to your feet.
Muscle weakness, loss of feeling in your feet or neuropathy, and other abnormalities of the feet are some of the causes of poor balance.
At the Foot and Ankle Center of Lake City we address your problems with balance by performing a balance assessment which informs us about the cause of your inbalance. If your feet are the primary source of your problem we will cast you for a device called an Arizona Balance Brace.
The Arizona Balance Brace (ABB) addresses muscle weakness and gait instability to help reduce your risk of falling. This device is a custom-made foot orthosis often worn as a pair that is designed to fit easily into shoes.
It's prevents falls by:
- Stabilizing the foot in the presence of weakness and fatigue
- Stimulates skin receptors which provide feedback to the brain
- Provides ankle support
- Improves foot clearance reducing the risk of tripping
For more information about how to prevent falls visit our page Fall Prevention for Older Adults. At the bottom of that page is a brief questionnaire that will help you determine if you have a problem with balance.
Meanwhile if you're concerned about your balance or the balance of a loved one, you can make an appointment today by calling us at 206-368-7000 or by making an appointment online.